Monday, February 4, 2013

College Living

There are several reasons I know that I’m back at Cornell:

Showering with footwear.  Apparently you can pick up some nasty foot fungus if you shower barefoot, and that’s one thing I’m not interested to discover the truth about through personal experience.

A box of cereal costs seven dollars.  Like, a regular sized box of regular cereal.  It’s not even all natural, all organic, or made of special wheat grown in the remote mountains of Nepal.  For those concerned about my spending habits, I did not pay out of pocket for this cereal.  I used money on my mandatory meal plan and I lose the money if it’s not spent by the end of the semester.

I don’t have rice for dinner every day.  Not that I have rice for dinner every day at home . . . oh, wait.  I do.  As a side note, I have had rice at the dining hall a couple times and it seems to be softer.  Usually it’s kind of hard and dry, so this is an improvement.

I have three alarms in the morning: my clock, my watch, and a giant truck.  I live in a forced double above the loading dock in a dorm that has had multiple (okay, two) fire alarm malfunctions, a heating system that fails with alarming regularity, and prehistoric eighteenth century windows with no insulation.  The loading dock part is what I’m concerned with here, because pretty much every morning, a truck has to make a delivery to the café downstairs in my dorm.  First, it backs into the loading dock, then the back door of the truck slams open, then the ramp comes crashing down onto the driveway and everything gets unloaded.  Free alarm!  Thanks, Cornell.

Your ID card is your best friend.  Without your ID, you will soon find it impossible/very difficult to eat, sleep, or meet other basic needs, because access to the dining halls and dorms is through card access.  All is not lost, however, because for the cheap price of only $40, you can own yet another piece of plastic with the Cornell seal and your face plastered onto it, but seriously, if there’s one thing you don’t want to lose, it would be your ID card.

And last, I walk past a waterfall on my way to class every day. Come to Cornell, and you too can experience the waterfall for yourself! I’ll stop the propaganda tour guide spiel . . . for now.

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