Thursday, July 17, 2014

Carry On My Wayward Son

Or daughter. I have to confess that after only a month of being in charge of my own finances and groceries, I went out and bought this:

Yes, that is both crunchy peanut butter and raspberry jam with seeds in it. Two things that will not be found in my home (New England home, not Cornell) because my father does not like having little things to bite through in his condiments.

Other things that will not be found in my house since I left for college: dairy products including milk, cheese, and a 32 ounce container of yogurt. Apparently my parents have decided to try out soy milk and almond milk instead of cow milk. Both of the dairy milk alternatives aren't bad – I tried them when I went home at the beginning of the summer – but almond milk feels like drinking nuts and soy milk tastes less sweet than cow milk to me. Naturally, I decided to solve my non-dairy milk problems by mixing almond and soy milk, which tasted pretty good to me. Back at Cornell, I've returned to cow’s milk, which I like the taste of, so don’t even try to tell me about how humans aren't supposed to be drinking milk after the age of two or whenever.

As for the cheese, I like cheese and I like dishes with cheese in them and I currently have one and a half blocks of cheese plus a few cheese slices in the fridge. I even tried making macaroni and cheese the other day and it was good. Apologies to my parents who can’t imagine how something cheesy and creamy can taste good.

And then the 32 ounces of yogurt. It’s just cheaper to buy it that way, plus now I can have yogurt all week. One final note: don’t worry, I haven’t stooped to eating raw broccoli yet.

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