Thursday, August 29, 2013

First Day of School

As of today, I have survived moving back in to Cornell and my first day(s) of classes. It noticeably lacked the enthusiasm shown in Finding Nemo. This semester, the engineers start taking more specialized classes; the sophomore (potential) chemical engineers are enrolled in physical chemistry and mass and energy balances. A lot of us are also taking linear algebra. This means that I get to spend Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings with all the same people. We actually walk from one class to the next together.

Since moving off north campus, our walk has been considerable shortened, but now we start our mornings by walking up the slope. It’s not much fun on a good day. It’s even less fun at 8:30 in the morning with a full backpack in 80 degree weather and 90 100 percent humidity. It remains to be seen how fun it is going down the slope when it’s negative degrees out, with 40 mile per hour winds and everything covered in two inches of ice.

I started my first day of classes by hauling myself up the slope and over to the arts quad for physical chemistry. Fortunately, I did not have to bring my p-chem textbook. It is known to the publishers, who are not affiliated with Cornell, as the big red book. Let’s guess which one it is:

Why, yes, it is the one that's twice as large as any of my other books.

After p-chem, the ChemE faction of the class went on to Mass and Energy Balances and Linear Algebra (some of us). I already have homework in all three classes. There goes my weekend, not that I was actually planning to do anything.

In other news, I am completely unpacked, which means that it took me about . . . a couple less weeks that last year. Yes, weeks. I was on top of things, as you can obviously tell.

My ruler and colored pencils have made their return to Cornell, as have Hezekiah, my rocket ship cup, and my periodic table placemat. This year I also have my soccer ball (which appears to have a slow leak), climbing shoes and chalk, and Lord of the Rings Trivial Pursuit. Friday nights should be exciting: think chips, salsa, and a tiny metal Aragorn figurine.

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