Saturday, November 25, 2017

Thanksgiving 2017

Thankful for applesauce, ballpoint pens that write well, country music, dihydrogen monoxide, easy recipes, Fortran, grass, Hezekiah, ice cream, jigsaw puzzles, kayaking, long romantic walks into the sunset, mountains, needless hiking detours, orange, penguins, quilts, road trips, soccer, trees, unit systems in base 10, vowels, wine, xenon (and the rest of the periodic table), yaks, and, of course, Chemical Engineering.

And I’m also thankful for having a place to stay, being warm and fed, getting paid to do what I sometimes mostly enjoy, and family and friends.

This year I spent Thanksgiving with church and lab friends. There was lots of food, some alcohol, a game of pseudo-Jeopardy!, and much absurdity. On Black Friday I spent exactly zero dollars and zero cents and used the day to work on documenting the code I’m inheriting. Today, I tried to do my grocery shopping for the week but the store was closed because they lost power. It’s at least the second time that’s happened in my ~15 months in Ann Arbor so far. I know it probably reflects the power company more than the grocery store, but, just saying, Wegmans never failed me like that in 5+ years.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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