Thursday, November 21, 2013

Rise and Shine, It’s Pre-enroll Time

My latest poetry anthology will be coming out next month decade never. Preordering can be done by sending cash or checks to

Pre-enrollment is always a fun time, because somehow, with the hundreds of classes Cornell has to offer, everybody wants the same three courses. Unless you’re an engineer, in which case, you get to enjoy popular classes like Stochastic Hydrology and Unconventional Natural Gas Development from Shale Formations. Meanwhile, in the hotel school: Introduction to Casino Operations.

Last week I made it through pre-enrollment and got almost everything I need to help me toward graduation. To keep moving toward fulfillment of my liberal studies requirements, I’ll be taking Intro to Macroeconomics. There were a couple other classes I was interested in, but none of them fit into my schedule. Macroeconomics it is.

For my biology requirement, I’m currently enrolled in Biomolecular Engineering, which happens to be a ChemE class, taught by a ChemE professor. From what I've heard, this is a pretty interesting class.

I was told how to fill the remainder of my schedule by the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. I’ll be taking Fluids and semester two of physical chemistry. If I never see the Schrodinger Equation again . . .

I’m also supposed to be taking a physical chemistry lab. Supposed to being the key words. There are currently around 170 students enrolled in Honors Physical Chemistry I. Presumably, most of them will be moving on to Honors Physical Chemistry II next semester. Strangely enough, there were only 120 lecture slots open in p-chem II. Even more strangely, there were only 90 slots open in p-chem lab, so I got the lecture, but not the lab. I think there’s a good reason the chemistry department does this. Just so long as I get the lab at some point, because I would like to graduate . . . eventually.

Ignoring the p-chem lab, pre-enroll went well. No one wants to take Fluids with the ChemEs for fun? Well, that’s a shocker.

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